« on: April 11, 2012, 02:39:29 »
My VC-MP life!
This is my life
I started in early 2007/2008 when I was 12 years old, from that day I just liked to stunt until 2010. I began to understand that this is vc-mp, not just fighting and acrobatics but also for fun. From 2010 I started to learn how to fight through some friends who taught me. My first friend?s Lucas, ULK.Kino, and [VU]jUan who was once TLKr.juan_gun in 2010.
I did not know anything about clans or anything like that. When I started to fight well, I wanted to join a clan, and the first clan I saw and I liked was [DS] Death Squad.
I applied to join the clan, and I couldn?t believe it, they accepted me! xD I was a rookie then.
Then I left the clan, because the clan was destroying itself, people left, and then sad news; the clan died.
In 2011, most people who left the clan,they went to [DZ] Death Zone. I also wanted to join this clan because my friends were there. I had good times there, but then I decided to leave the clan because I was inactive.
After several months without clan, some people from the clan [ULK] asked me to apply, and they also accepted me, but I did not have much time to play. I was idle for almost a year, then I came back in 2012 and I wanted to start a new life in vc-mp, so I left the clan. I wanted to try some clan different from others, having good experience and good players, so I found [DnA] Dark Negative Antisocial was and will be my first and best clan!