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Author Topic: Post your VC-MP Story  (Read 28776 times)

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Re: Post your VC-MP Story
« Reply #30 on: June 29, 2012, 12:51:56 »
Maybe during holidays ;p

it just started nab :D and ABDULA wheres your story that would be interesting :D

  • Nadeem

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    Re: Post your VC-MP Story
    « Reply #31 on: June 29, 2012, 18:47:02 »
    I started vcmp in 2010 November.
    I was searching for vice city mods etc,i was sucked of  vice city old cars.I was searching for mods,and opened gta place website there was written Vcmp 0.3zr ,i installed it ,i was wondering what is it .I clicked vcmp and click internet tab,went in UMS DM server,i was getting pissed by hackers and pro's.I left the server and went to Pure Dm Server,On that days pure dm was one of the most popular server of the vcmp.I joined the server and got killed by [AFI]MaxTitan many times,i was raged  too much.I left the server and deleted whole vice city folder.Then i was thinking that it was a nice mod of vice city,i can play with all players of the world.I reinstalled it and started playing in pure dm,again i was getting pissed,so i searched for trainer,Vice city mp trainers and watched video of Mrhackman23 or something on youtube.I installed trainer and went to pure dm and started killing  ppls with heli,i used vh vehicle protection hack.And got banned in pure dm,i evaded too much times :D ,but Hotpocket (Svr owner) told me to post ban appeal.So i posted it and he unbanned me ,i left hacking and deleted trainer from the pc and started playing fairly.I got many friends in pure dm server like Devil_Jin,Speedo MaD_KiLLeR,HotFire,pure dm was near to be closed,i started my clan DTI and Speedo joined it .After that Pure dm was closed ,so i closed the clan too and started playing in Sky City and Xe,I played in Sky city for a long time.On that time TZ was too much active in Sky City , i posted app in TZ and got accepted,but unfortunately TZ closed.So i left playing in Sky city and moved to Xe,and met with Old_Fart and ULK.Ajeet,both of them trained me ,i was pretty good after a month,Old_fart told me to join USA,i joined USA clan,but OlD_fart got vanished from Vcmp suddenly  .I left USA,posted app in VU ,got denied.Posted app in ULK too but denied :/  .So i opened my own clan PLK,and my friends joined it .Some hackers were in clan ,and about whole clan got banned due to 2 hackers in xe :( ,And PLK started getting banned in Svm, etc. I closed PLK and opened PKG,there were no hackers in clan ,we started playing in EA Server,WE got banned in EA too because of PLK,Whole PKG was banned in vcmp servers,i went to Nilz server ,it was my last day of vcmp.I met sephiroth in that server echo,he invited me in irc,i joined irc channel ,i talked with him about our bans and PKG,i closed PKG and all PKG's were unbanned in all servers.Once again i started playing in xE ,i joined ULK but later i got kicked from it ,(my own mistake), i was too much sad about it ,all started hate me again,i thought i should change nick,so i changed it and started using face Nick,i joined MK,it was a really good time ,but later on all knew it i was Nadeem ,i got kicked from MK too.I tried many new nicks ,but many admins in xe checked my ip alias ,thats why i left using other nicks and started using Nadeem nick.I started TZ,and i hope i will not get any new crisis in vcmp again.
    That's my shitty story.
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    « Last Edit: June 30, 2012, 03:26:53 by Nadeem »


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    Re: Post your VC-MP Story
    « Reply #32 on: June 29, 2012, 23:45:05 »
    Maybe during holidays ;p

    it just started nab :D and ABDULA wheres your story that would be interesting :D

    hahahahahah balda :D ok i tell ma story

    When i started VCMP i was fresh 15 years old
    Well all begun with my moving to another city to Munich in 2008 februrary before that time I didnt had Internet and my first PC Games were GTA Vice City, GTA III well i got internet and than I modified GTA Vice City car effekts that kinda stuff. Well than i looked for a Multiplayer for GTA VC on Internet and found VCMP at the beginning there were soo many people in that old times well I was only playing on XE Server on that times Tommis was the Server owner sweet old times well when I looked for cheats for single player i found some multiplayer cheats and I found some other Kebab friends :D (turkish^^) and we did funny stuff with the cheats i can remember we used God Mode rofl xD well I went 1 day to LW and cheated and Adtec banned me xD. Well than i stopped cheating after got banned on 1 server and started to play fair. I cheated in the first 2 month of vc mp than i quit ^^  cheat. Well on that very old times there are ppl i still talk sometimes but they all quited vcmp years ago.

    I test MTA either it was very intressting but i didint played there becouse there was soo less players.
    Well I was playing VCMP every day on that old times. I saw a player he was very skilled his name was Aldo he was the leader of the Vice Kings clan (VK) I joined the clan and i had a nice time but the leader left vc mp and the clan was closed so i need 2 left. Some noobs opened the clan again after a while but than it got a nab clan.

    On that times i remember there was a ULTRA noob killer and 1 man army ULK.Bishop he was the best player on that times I was always wondering why I only see 1 person wearing ULK tag. I can remember ULK.HEAD [DnA]silence, overdose, hanney, morphine, mattz,adtec DU cola ,rohit and maaaany other old LW player on old times. I was roofing very much with TheOnly on mansion and killing all ARMY noobs it was kinda WAR 20 army noobs vs 5 6 skilled player.  , I played with akiharu very much too on that times he wasnt in a clan. I remember a player called Charley he was kinda an asshole he got admin on xe than he abused he kick banned every guy when he got angry dumb nab well than his title got taken. After whole months 1 day Tommis joined the server and talked to akiharu i was with akiharu after that day aki become server owner and Tommis left VC MP.

    I got a new Provider and so i was no more banend from LW and had some other Nicks after all i talked with adtec on irc that i was cheat before 1 year ago and i changed but always i said that he banned me he even banned me from IRC i kinda loled he said cheaters doesnt deserve a second chance well it was possible to join to LW somehow^^.

    Well there wasnt soo much difference i joined WM the owner was Akon it was a quite bunch of cool mates and i had a nice time after Akon left VCMP and the clan closed i left the clan too. Well than i read a important information about my old clan leader akon he was using other nick and was the Leader of the DZ Clan well the clan got closed so its ok.

    Whatever after some month i got the idea to open a clan i dont wanted to join the Clans there i remember that i write before WM a application to TLK and they took me to the clan so i was a TLK member ThexOnly and akiharu and some other player. Well in TLK were some player i didint liked on that times and the Trial was too long for me akiharu got ULK i was TLK and I thought his skills are the same as me and we started same and I dont wanted to be a underling of him.

    Well i opened my clan than Bloody Assassins ^^(BA) I was searching good players so i found my first player GhostfaceKillah was his old nick now hes known as ULK.Tical after him a player called LiL Wayne in old times know hes known as (VU)Foxtrot. Tical and Foxtrot were always testing there skills each other :D it was pretty funny to watching them fighting and giving them tipps how 2 play better both of them cant beat me on old times :D. it was a nice time with them after him Aeo joined the clan, I remember their were more BA members but i forgot their names its been a long time after all. I was dueling allot with Charleyutton and akiharu on that time area :). I tried make a website for my clan by an do it urself homepage and i have at home school private life many thing 2 do and cant organize all that stuff i was young and clumsy so i failed it to hold the clan intaact and i closed the clan due of no time.

    After closing BA joined DS clan leader was Kill3R and Strike I liked that clan very much it was full of skilled player but Kill3r closed the clan and I was clanless again well after all this i waited of r2 like a cocain addicted person. First they said next year its out it didint came out next year than it took 1 more year and it come out and than i tested it and than i hated it and left vc mp and than i started to play Far Cry 2  2years i was 2years inactiv from 2010 - 2012 I had a very great time in Far Cry 2 either :) after 2years i decide to install my vc mp folder for fun and becouse i was bored and look for old mates and talk with them and i joined 1 2 times than more and more and after all i came back to VC MP. At the time when i looked sometime after VCMP i noticed that 95% of the player were noobs and the most old player left everybody was glitching helikilling spawnkilling etc. and i was like WTF what akiharu did to XE well more and more i saw more old player and got more intresst in this i saw my old mates and came back again after all. After i played without a clantag i was thinking after 2 month of playing vc mp to join a clan again after a long time and i was thinking all the other clans i didint liked the reason i dont want to say now and I knew DnA a long time ago and the old player and just thought that if theres a clan to join that would be DnA.

    I wouldnt ever imagine that im playing this when im 19 :D

    Well i dont remember all stuff from old times so im sorry if i forget some parts, my english^^ and i wrote a little bit chaotic and much text :D but I hope u enjojed when u read this :)
    « Last Edit: June 29, 2012, 23:55:54 by Abdula001 »

  • Cerberus

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    Re: Post your VC-MP Story
    « Reply #33 on: July 01, 2012, 07:51:02 »
    ^ True Story

  • Nikon

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    Re: Post your VC-MP Story
    « Reply #34 on: October 13, 2013, 10:19:09 »
    nice story  :)