DnA Application Form
About Sorrow
What previous nicknames have you used?
[EAF]Nylez, [DC]Nylez
How old are you?*
What country do you live in?*
VC:MP History
How long have you played VC:MP?*
2 years
What previous clans have you been in?*
Dark Negative Anti-Social
Which DnA Member(s) do you know?
Avenger, Bryce, Brigadier
How do you know the member(s) you have listed?
Avenger was in EAF when I was recruited there.
When he is in Argonath RPG, we roleplay together.
Bryce and Brigadier I got to know through Littlewhiteys.
Sometimes we team up against others.
Why do you want to join DnA?
I want to join DnA because it is a great clan with awesome potential.
If accepted, what could you offer the clan?*
I could offer teamwork with other DnA members and because I got a certain fame around VCMP, I can create fame for DnA.
Do you have any scripting experience?
Do you have any addition information?
Avenger suggested me I should apply to DnA.
It is all because of him I am applying right here and now.