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Dark Negative Anti-Social - 2006-2016

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Author Topic: Post your VC-MP Story  (Read 41350 times)

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  • DiegO

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    Post your VC-MP Story
    « on: April 11, 2012, 02:39:29 »
    My VC-MP life!

    This is my life

    I started in early 2007/2008 when I was 12 years old, from that day I just liked to  stunt until 2010. I began to understand that this is vc-mp, not just fighting and acrobatics but also for fun. From 2010 I started to learn how to fight through some friends who taught me. My first friend?s Lucas, ULK.Kino, and  [VU]jUan who was once TLKr.juan_gun in 2010.
    I did not know anything about clans or anything like that. When I started to fight well, I wanted to join a clan, and the first clan I saw and I liked was [DS] Death Squad.
    I applied to join the clan, and I couldn?t believe it, they accepted me! xD I was a rookie then.
    Then I left the clan, because the clan was destroying itself, people left, and then sad news; the clan died.

    In 2011, most people who left the clan,they went to [DZ] Death Zone. I also wanted to join this clan because my friends were there. I had good times there, but then I decided to leave the clan because I was inactive.

    After several months without clan, some people from the clan [ULK] asked me to apply, and they also accepted me, but I did not have much time to play. I was idle for almost a year, then I came back in 2012 and I wanted to start a new life in vc-mp, so I left the clan. I wanted to try some clan different from others, having good experience and good players, so I found [DnA] Dark Negative Antisocial was and will be my first and best clan!



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    Re: Post your VC-MP Story
    « Reply #1 on: April 11, 2012, 10:06:41 »
    Hehe cool Marcela, Im gonna post mine looong love story once Im free to do so :)

  • DiegO

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    Re: Post your VC-MP Story
    « Reply #2 on: April 11, 2012, 13:57:38 »
    ok baldyna <333



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    Re: Post your VC-MP Story
    « Reply #3 on: April 11, 2012, 17:08:53 »
    It first began back in 2005 when I found MTA:VC fun to play. It was pretty popular among lithuanians back then. Found some other "lost souls" and joined a noobish MF clan. But I didn't stay there for long, although I still miss some awesome people from it, we were having immense fun... Then I joined one of the most famous lithuanian GTA online clans named LDK (Lithuanian Death Knights, it has a bit more direct meaning in lithuanian language though). Played some clan wars against some other teams. Damn, I still remember how we sucked at it at first :D . I also recall being a honourary member of some other team, don't actually remember, was it UL or EB, or UB... :D We also played vcmp 0.1d a bit, but we didn't like it because of constant crashes and bugs, although mta had quite a big problem with synchronization too.

    Then there was another big step in my GTA online history with the appearance of GTA Rumble (the first San Andreas multiplayer) and the first SAMP release. LDK mostly left MTA:VC for SAMP. It was the best times in LDK history because we were among the best clans in the world back then. We were accepting only lithuanians in the team, but foreign people just kept posting their applications and showing the interest in the clan so we decided to open it for them. We even had a girl from Russia who got accepted because of her quite unusual playing style.

    As time was passing, LDK's motivation was going down. Some members left, some joined other clans because of our inactivity. I decided to concentrate mostly on GTA stunting and playing VCMP. The problem was, nobody in LDK showed interest in playing it except me, so I decided to switch into another clan, which was DU.

    I loved DU back in 2008. It had great and cool people. I became addicted to VCMP. ;D Could have stayed in DU longer, but some people like Haidux left and I joined KFJ. It was also great, had an immense amount of fun. In 2008/2009 LDK got into action again, so I left vcmp completely for some time. As I recall when I came back from samp KFJ already was dead. So I became clanless till Balda introduced me to the new DnA.

    Nowadays I don't play samp at all, only vcmp at times. Oh, and I'm actually still in LDK, but now we're just a bunch of old mates. We meet in real life sometimes to drink alcohol beverages and discuss the old times. :>

    EDIT: Someone, please mark me as inactive member, cause I'm having some life issues and no internet connection.
    « Last Edit: April 11, 2012, 17:11:41 by Edga »

  • j.king

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    Re: Post your VC-MP Story
    « Reply #4 on: April 12, 2012, 09:14:53 »
    :O edgaaaaar, come back soon your missed :<


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    Re: Post your VC-MP Story
    « Reply #5 on: April 12, 2012, 11:41:40 »
    I'll try <333


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    Re: Post your VC-MP Story
    « Reply #6 on: April 12, 2012, 20:41:51 »
    Yeeaah You should, btw expect mine loooong story by the weekend :D  8)


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    Re: Post your VC-MP Story
    « Reply #7 on: April 15, 2012, 23:56:57 »
    Well, as I promised, Im going to write my VC:MP story of mine own.  ::)
    It might be a bit longer yeah, You know I like writing :)

    I have never wrote my story so this is like for first time !!!!
    So to the story:

    To be honest, I dont even remember when exactly I started playing. I just know it was around 2006-2007, in that time, I was at high school in 1st year class, so I was still a lil bit kiddo, playing games and enjoying outdoor life etc. I must admitt, that I?have never thought I will be still playing VC:MP nowadays.

    My first server, yeah I remember very well, it was UMS ( Ultra mega server ) and there I met Bakasan etc ( irony, in tha time I did not know that He is a dev of VC:MP :D ), also a guy named Pluisje and some other names which I cant recognize anymore. Well UMS was cool, bakasan was cool ( He banned me just few times, for insulting players :D ) as I said I was still kid in that time, noobing around, mainly with spazz and m60 :D
    This went like this for a year, I was mainly on UMS or in that time on XE American server, owned by Tommis still. When came year 2008, UMS went in to the shadow a lil bit, so I was searching for some populated server and I found one, most populated and that was LW ( Littlewhiteys server ).

    LW server was totally different than others server I was before, I couldnt even enter the downtown district, bcuz there was a place for stubby pwners. There I found a place where pro plays and where a skill is needed, so I started play there too, it was mostly everyday, bcuz the LW server was full everyday. In that time I also started using the nick Baldachyn ( before it was just Dave ). I was getting owned almost everytime, the server was full of great players, with clans like SX, MK, SkT, DU, KFJ, DnA, UST and R3V these I remember well. So after few weeks of camping on roofs with m60 I finally managed to stand on the ground and started learn fight with stubby, by old good jump style. I wanted to be in some clan, so I was wondering, whats gonna be my first clan in vc:mp. Of course I had been waiting for few months, till I improve my skills, so I would be accepted in some clan. In summer of 2008, I was already good enough, already was invited by clans, but my goal, was to join DnA. I met Rowely who was a co leader back there in DnA, I posted an apply a very newbie one indeed :D, but luckily I got accepted, then started my DnA story.

    Since I joined DnA, I had a lot of fun with all, DnA was well respected clan at all. I remember many DnA players, also I briefly met smoke2joints ( But he left then :D ) Also Overdose was playing in that time, Giermek, Roni, Dead and others like Yaceq ( We did not know each other in that time yet :D ) LW was full everyday and I enjoyed there times with other peeps from other clans, remember Cola from DU, Darfy ( Batman :D ), Dead man, Charleyutton, UST guys, Kill3R, Strike and then KFJ members such as E6GA ( known as Edga today out DnA clan mate ) Hanney, Mattz, j.king and many others. Unfortunately some of them left and never came back, but in that time I knew that its not the game which I like, but its the people there, having fun with them, improving english, chatting, fighting and having a lots of laugh, yeah that was a long time ago. But back to the DnA, unfortunately, I joined DnA when it slowly started dying, so I remember how yaceq and giermek left the clan, after summer of 2008, I was most likely only active DnA member, with Roni, BugsySiegel and maybe Fanan was there with us. I still felt I need more in vc:mp so I started think about leaving DnA.

    It was around midnight, when a leader of KFJ, named Shanto, came on LW and I was there almost alone, I fought him plenty of fights and owned him, which was my goal, bcuz He invited me in KFJ clan. In that time KFJ was the strongest and best clan around, so no suprise I wanted be in it too ( since DnA was death ). I got accepted and started playing under KFJ tag, I guess this was my best times in VC:MP, started by joining DnA and then KFJ. I was pwning on LW with my good mates like Darfy, Edgar and j.king, enjoying times there and meeting new peeps, I got accepted into the LW admin team and that was where I spoke first time with Yaceq :D ( He was laready clanless ). in 2009 it was still the same, some clans went down, some as for exmaple DU get very strong, bcuz of good leading by Cola, I guess also that DZ clan was founded, Daren and Dead Man, so new stuff in vc:mp, it was also the first time I started meet ULK guys, mainly on KFJ server, where I was training always with Ermin ( the best polish noob ever :D ) When LW wasnt so populated I just went on KFJ server with Ermin, and then some others joined. As time was running, peeps started leaving, bcuz of lack interest in VC:MP, there wasnt any new version, developing was stucked. VC:MP started dying and espeacially LW community.

    In late 2009, XE was getting stronger same as ULK clan with it. LW was in shadow, with outdated script, with lack of players, mainyl bcuz of leaving, also KFJ did bad which led to closing KFJ once forever, with KFJ also fade away LW. In the mean time, finally the new version 0.3z r2 of vcmp was released, but it was a huge fail for old players, started a glitching era, whcih led to massive leaving and was benefitial for newbies who liked to play mostly without rules. I came into the shadow and stopped playing in 2010, time to time I checked the current situation, played few hours on HA made by Kill3R and Strike, the server became my 2nd "home" after LW was always empty.

    In summer of 2010 I got a 2nd breath for playing, same breath caught Darfy, so we wanted to make a new clan, the idea of a new clan was good for other players, such as like yaceq, smoke2joints etc. After all we came to decision to re-open DnA clan, reopened by smoke2joints and Ryz. First months we did well, we had quite few good players such as Juan, Javi, Foxtrot, Edga joined us etc. After KFJs dead, new clans take the positions of strongest clans, that was mainly ULK, DU and VU. Unfortunately DU went to inactivity, but ULK and VU got stronger and stronger and nowadays you can see them as a best clans, with other clans like MK( They are immortal :D ). For this Charleyutton has my big respect for what Hes doing for the VU and VC:MP community.

    Lets back to DnA in 2010, as I mentioned we were quite active, but after few months we fell to inactivity and peeps starting leave. In the end, only me and yaceq lef ative, with loyal clan members like darfy, edga, ryz and smoke. But it doesnt stopped my end in the vc:mp.
    In late 2010, ended my era and I left almost for over an year, just time to time joining irc, to talk with old friends.

    I came back in 2012, to be more specific in 2011 during xmas times. I found our DnA channel on irc, with Yaceq idling on it,, with peeps like Strike, Mattz, Kill3r. I saw that much have changed, new servers, new peeps. Bcuz of free time, me and yaceq started play again under DnA tag, after some time, we said we could get have a new forums and reopen clan, also J.king, darfy and edga came back to vc:mp, same like Ryz and Smoke2joints, nowadays you can see DnA is still living and We are around. Im around.

    Its been almost 6 years and Im still here, but still I remember the old times, when nothing was important, you were just young, stupid, did whatever you want, remember the old vc:mp days with all players, some fo them are still here, some of them are gone. But I will always remember the fun of the old times :)

    Well thats it, I guess its enoug, I would write more, but that would take really few more pages and I dont wanna boring you guys :D

    Well have a nice reading
                                               - Baldachyn
    « Last Edit: April 16, 2012, 00:10:42 by Baldachyn »


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    Re: Post your VC-MP Story
    « Reply #8 on: April 16, 2012, 20:00:49 »
    Woah, you did take your time to write all this. Awesome and interesting story and I just love your point of view about the old times. <3

  • j.king

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    Re: Post your VC-MP Story
    « Reply #9 on: April 17, 2012, 17:29:36 »
    indeed edga :-*

  • Foxtrot

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    Re: Post your VC-MP Story
    « Reply #10 on: April 20, 2012, 15:59:36 »
    Well, I don?t have time to tell you my whole vc-mp story but I will briefly present it to you

    It all started in the summer of 2007 when I found a vc-mp mode on the internet and installed it. At first I didn?t know it would work but I gave it a shot and surprisingly it did work. I joined the first server that popped out (XE) and played there for a couple of hours. I was starting to like the atmosphere, the players but I wasn?t completely aware that there existed a community behind this mode and that people would organize and talk on the forums

    I played a few months under different nicknames (I used to join the server with different nicknames everytime) not talking to anyone , just playing on XE. Then I used the nick ?GoldGate? for the first time and played on XE and lw but mostly on XE. I was invited to join CG and soon became the co-leader. I was there with Under(Denlow), SanDisk, Sephiroth and Amenine as the leader ( can?t remember the others)

    After some time I left CG because it proved to be a big ass fraud. After this XE was no longer my favourite server and I was now playing in LW which I became fond of.  I joined DU (even though I didn?t know much about the clan at that time) mainly because I once heard Sephiroth saying ?Why do you DU guys have to be so pro??. I was accepted as a rookie member and I was promoted to full member the next day due to my big contribution in a clanwar with MK. After this, things became pure awesome. We had tons of clanwars, winning most of them and ranking #1 among the other clans. I became a clan co-leader along with TheOnly and Desert_Eagle.

    I was now the co-leader of one of the best clans in vc-mp, admin in the clan?s server and things couldn?t get any better. We had great members like: Darfy, j.king, Sephiroth, Juan, Javi, Desert_Eagle, CoLa, TheOnly, RoHit, Alucard (TyranT), Edga, and many others. We used to have training sessions every week and things were just perfect. My reputation was sky-high, every clan would?ve accepted me as a full member If I were to quit DU. (besides ULK because DU used to be in a constant war with it at that time)

    Unfortunately, some things can?t get better and better everytime. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and soon had surgery so my attitude became really bad in real life but also in the vc-mp community. I was angry all the time, I hated everyone for no reason. It was a matter of time before I was kicked from DU. I joined VU and Charley accepted me as a trainee thinking I was just a ?new guy in town?. I was accepted as a full member but I left soon for DnA(which was full of veterans like Baldachyn, Smoke, Ryz) hoping that I would there meet my old DU buddies. I was accepted there but then Javi left vc-mp and everyone else went inactive. I then realized that I made a mistake leaving VU because at that time, DnA was just dead.

       Again, I left DnA and rejoined VU where I was welcomed as a full member. So  here am I today, kind of inactive because of schoolwork.

    A lot of shit happened but those were the most important things that happened.

  • DiegO

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    Re: Post your VC-MP Story
    « Reply #11 on: April 20, 2012, 22:00:03 »
    very nice story guys

    (fak u and you're huge random gap =p)

    i'm crying D:
    « Last Edit: April 20, 2012, 23:29:47 by Ryz »



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    Re: Post your VC-MP Story
    « Reply #12 on: April 21, 2012, 18:30:39 »
    Oo never knew about your mom Fox, hope She is okey now :)


    PS: Ryz stop editing others replies:D instead of it, post your own vc:mp story ( And do it longer than its mine :D )

  • Avenger

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    Re: Post your VC-MP Story
    « Reply #13 on: April 22, 2012, 07:44:47 »
    I will make one so be patient :)

  • Foxtrot

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    Re: Post your VC-MP Story
    « Reply #14 on: April 22, 2012, 08:09:28 »
    Oo never knew about your mom Fox, hope She is okey now :)


    PS: Ryz stop editing others replies:D instead of it, post your own vc:mp story ( And do it longer than its mine :D )

    She is, thanks