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Dark Negative Anti-Social - 2006-2016

Thank you for everything!

Author Topic: Dark Negative Anti-Social has been retired. [2006-2016]  (Read 63428 times)

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  • Niko

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    Re: Dark Negative Anti-Social has been retired. [2006-2016]
    « Reply #15 on: July 04, 2016, 01:21:48 »
    always this clan has the same respect, It's sad to hear that for alot of things but only I can say now is.. Good bye DnA  :-\

  • Abdi

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    Re: Dark Negative Anti-Social has been retired. [2006-2016]
    « Reply #16 on: July 04, 2016, 01:37:07 »
    I think this isnt much of a big deal even tho i think it was the best decision you guys did. DnA was more like a burden for older members who werent really playing the game it was more like a place to meet and talk. Since the most of us arent playing this outdated game anymore it makes total sense to close the clan. I can still talk to "some" of my old mates if i want its just that we all have to move on somewhere.
    « Last Edit: July 04, 2016, 01:39:18 by Abdi »

  • FulToN_619

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    Re: Dark Negative Anti-Social has been retired. [2006-2016]
    « Reply #17 on: July 04, 2016, 01:41:53 »
    Sad News  :(
    Credits To Decent_946

  • morphine

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    Re: Dark Negative Anti-Social has been retired. [2006-2016]
    « Reply #18 on: July 04, 2016, 08:43:02 »
    was a great group while it lasted

    good luck to all the ex-members in your future endeavors!

  • Hunbal

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    Re: Dark Negative Anti-Social has been retired. [2006-2016]
    « Reply #19 on: July 04, 2016, 08:59:51 »
    It's really a sad news besides it is a truth that everything has its end and the perfect examples are ourselves :(
    Anyways I really wished to be a part of this clan and wanted to serve with my time but I couldn't and now its retiring,
    maybe I play vcmp in future, clan-less, assuming myself to be its part if it lasted some more time ;)

    Anyways Good luck to all the DnA legends :)

  • TaRR.

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    Re: Dark Negative Anti-Social has been retired. [2006-2016]
    « Reply #20 on: July 04, 2016, 16:52:13 »
    I just can't deny I'm feeling sad at this. How to say goodbye to something that has been part of many great times in your life?

    This may sound a bit weird, but I'm 20 and still consider DnA as one of the best choices I've made. I do have played alot of online games and have been part of many communities but this was THE BEST. Absolutely no doubt about that. May you wondering - was it that important? Yes. At least for me. DnA helped me, much more than you think. I can say that thanks to DnA I am a decent on-line player now. You guys trusted me since the first day, giving me a chance to change myself and I can say I did. I will be always thankful for that. Also I've met great people here, people I admire to be honest. Anyways, everything has an end. Thank you DnA, for those fun and great moments I've had with you.

    "You'll always be remembered, because legends never die"
    Death is an inevitability, isn't it? You become more aware of that when you get to my age. I don't worry about it. I'm ready for it. When I go, I want to go doing what I do best. If I died tomorrow, I couldn't complain. It's been good." - Lemmy

  • NikY.Wolf

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    Re: Dark Negative Anti-Social has been retired. [2006-2016]
    « Reply #21 on: July 04, 2016, 18:03:34 »
    guys, have the best of lucks. and thanks for be part of the big community of VCMP

  • Phenomz.

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    Re: Dark Negative Anti-Social has been retired. [2006-2016]
    « Reply #22 on: July 04, 2016, 18:36:17 »
    Well, shit happens.

    Honestly, it's very sad to see this kind of topics but isn't something surprising, day by day VC-MP dies, players considered legends disappear and the community itself becomes tedious and annoying. You could say many things about this clan, but to summarize; DnA has been a pillar in this community, each and every one of the members who have passed through DnA ranks have been able to contribute positively to the community, creating projects and implementing new ideas to delight a new generation of players. You guys are now part of the legends that once formed this game and will be remembered for new generations for being a clan of excellence and high level of acceptance. I never had great relationships with some members, but I would like to congratulate DnA and wish the best of luck to each of the members belonging to DnA. It has been a real pleasure to meet you, have quarrels with you but above all, enjoy the few moments I have shared with you guys.

    Cya later DnA!
    « Last Edit: July 04, 2016, 18:41:40 by Phenomz. »

  • Gudio

    Re: Dark Negative Anti-Social has been retired. [2006-2016]
    « Reply #23 on: July 04, 2016, 22:10:04 »
    I was wondering if I shall comment DnA's retirement or leave it to show how inactive we were. After talking with Yaceq and Baldachyn I finally decided to write a few sentences.

    I saw that coming, really. Admins became advisors, Avenger was the only one active admin. We really could notice slow death incoming. People started leaving VC-MP community in 2014. We really had a mature players who, I guess, have grown enough to spend less time playing VC-MP or to leave.

    Dark Negative Anti-Social was the clan I honestly wanted to be in. I have met a lot of great people. Playing and talking with them were pure pleasure. DnA was very likeable clan - top of LUNet channels. We did well for the community like others clan should do before retirement. Our responsibilities have been fulfilled properly.

    I am happy that DnA will not be associated as a clan with old, inactive pricks anymore. Please remember we can always visit #DnA on LUNet to have some talks.

    If DnA hadn't been reactivated, I would have left VC-MP earlier.
    « Last Edit: July 04, 2016, 22:13:59 by Gudio »


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    Re: Dark Negative Anti-Social has been retired. [2006-2016]
    « Reply #24 on: July 04, 2016, 23:26:17 »
    It´s hard to find the right words when you are saying good bye to something you had cared for.

    Gives me chills to see the list of our past and present members, some of them long gone, makes me
    wondering where life has led them.

    DnA will remain more than just a clan in gaminng enviroment.
    It´s been a great journey, lets do not forget the good moments of it.

    10 years, feels like a moment...

                                 Wish you all the best in your future endeavours

                                                                                       - Baldachyn

    Re: Dark Negative Anti-Social has been retired. [2006-2016]
    « Reply #25 on: July 04, 2016, 23:51:09 »
    Alot of good memories although i am currently evading a forum ban but it's worth it. its sad to see it go. i can never forget the days i had with them on IRC and in-game. uncountable moments of joy.Well end is inevitable so it is. this was unexpected though, its too early and in mid of a year and my 5 year ( do not apply with-in 5 years) has been void. but still i believe DnA has roots in development and activeness of vc-mp. without it, the VC-MP would've been like LU.
    good luck players wish you all a good future.

  • Jellyfish

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    Re: Dark Negative Anti-Social has been retired. [2006-2016]
    « Reply #26 on: July 05, 2016, 06:45:33 »
    Despite the fact that the clans been stagnant and we've all been fairly inactive over time, just reading this, it's hard to let go and realise it's finally coming to an end. I was really excited when Edga invited me and to my surprise (and baldachyn's lel) was accepted so quickly. I've met amazing people in the clan and early on it was perhaps the only reason I was somewhat active in VCMP. Wish everyone the best in whatever they choose to do and hope we'll all still stay in touch in one form or another. There have been some great memories in the clan and I'm glad I got to share that with you guys.

    <3 you all
    « Last Edit: July 05, 2016, 06:48:38 by Jellyfish »

  • jU_

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    Re: Dark Negative Anti-Social has been retired. [2006-2016]
    « Reply #27 on: July 05, 2016, 06:50:26 »
    Well actually i didnt expect it, and yeah its sad for me as well since this is the clan ive been in the most time. Its also pretty obvious this was 1 of the best clans in this game's history if not the best, I always liked the tag and that stuff since i started playing VCMP back in 08 and joined LW seeing those clans like KFJ DnA UST KoO etc....... never thought at that moment i could get in like i did.

    I also liked this clan because of the people, that couldnt be greater also had mates that i was with in other clans in the past and shared a lot of good moments, so theres no much left to say it was an honour to be here and  thanks for everything current and past members.

    See you DnA mates and see you ingame those who still play VCMP even tho it was funnier in older times and versions.

  • Yaceq

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    Re: Dark Negative Anti-Social has been retired. [2006-2016]
    « Reply #28 on: July 05, 2016, 10:41:16 »
    Reading Ryz's text and all your posts brought tears to my eyes. Really... I was totally inactive last months, didn't take part in clan life but now I feel very sad, like I lost something. Something I loved.

    Some can say it was only clan, virtual group of players. But definitely not for me. It was great adventure, joining DnA in 2006, reactivating it with Baladchyn and Darfy in 2010. BTW, if somebody had told me then that DnA would become so powerful clan in the following years, I wouldn't have believed. What happened later to DnA was unbelievable for me. But it's also thanks to Ryz, Crys and Avenger who cared about clan/forum/IRC.

    I'd like to thank especially these guys mentioned above. You did great job, we wouldn't be in the place we were/are without you. Also thanks a lot to everybody who took part in this adventure, who helped us keeping clan alive, who represented us in VC-MP servers throughout these years. Thank you!

    I asked myself what had made DnA so popular, so unique, so wonderful. It turned out to be very easy question. The answer is - YOU ALL, our DnA community. Looking into our roster bring me so many good memories. Old times in Littlewhitey's, organization of XAD League (thanks Gudio!), destroying nubs in XAD with RPG (:D), organization of 0.1d and 0.2 events, having fun in-game and chatting on IRC... And it all with the best players in VC-MP. I can say more - not just players but friends, good friends. This made DnA so unique! We weren't just group of players killing others in game. We weren't only game clan. But also group of friends, who were/are here not only to play, but also to talk with each other and have fun.

    I will never forget you.
    All good things must come to an end...
    But adventure with DnA wasn't just good, it was absolutely amazing!
    - Yaceq

    P.S. To remind yourself old times I encourage you to watch video from 0.1d event:

  • Sevrin

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    Re: Dark Negative Anti-Social has been retired. [2006-2016]
    « Reply #29 on: July 05, 2016, 16:11:02 »
    One of the great families in VC:MP, wish you all the best of luck in future!

    Credits to Pumak47