Reading Ryz's text and all your posts brought tears to my eyes. Really... I was totally inactive last months, didn't take part in clan life but now I feel very sad, like I lost something. Something I loved.
Some can say it was only clan, virtual group of players. But definitely not for me. It was great adventure, joining DnA in 2006, reactivating it with
Baladchyn and
Darfy in 2010. BTW, if somebody had told me then that DnA would become so powerful clan in the following years, I wouldn't have believed. What happened later to DnA was unbelievable for me. But it's also thanks to
Crys and
Avenger who cared about clan/forum/IRC.
I'd like to thank especially these guys mentioned above. You did great job, we wouldn't be in the place we were/are without you. Also thanks a lot to
everybody who took part in this adventure, who helped us keeping clan alive, who represented us in VC-MP servers throughout these years. Thank you!
I asked myself what had made DnA so popular, so unique, so wonderful. It turned out to be very easy question. The answer is - YOU ALL, our DnA community. Looking into our roster bring me so many good memories. Old times in Littlewhitey's, organization of XAD League (thanks
Gudio!), destroying nubs in XAD with RPG (

), organization of 0.1d and 0.2 events, having fun in-game and chatting on IRC... And it all with the best players in VC-MP. I can say more - not just players but friends, good friends. This made DnA so unique! We weren't just group of players killing others in game. We weren't only game clan. But also group of
friends, who were/are here not only to play, but also to talk with each other and have fun.
I will never forget you.
All good things must come to an end... But adventure with DnA wasn't just good, it was
absolutely amazing!
- Yaceq
P.S. To remind yourself old times I encourage you to watch video from 0.1d event: