DnA Application Form
About Gohan.
What previous nicknames have you used?
How old are you?*
What country do you live in?*
VC:MP History
How long have you played VC:MP?*
1 years 4 months
What previous clans have you been in?*
[CO], [UST], [DZ]
Dark Negative Anti-Social
Which DnA Member(s) do you know?
Tarrif, Abdi, habla, E6GA, Jea, Milko, Avenger.
How do you know the member(s) you have listed?
I met them in LW, and XE. in LW I met Avenger, Abdi, Tarrif / John E6GA. in xe I met him habla, jea, milko. and habla to milko met when they were at [VU]
Why do you want to join DnA?
i want to join in Dna, because the members have a good attitude, good skills, and are friendly. good players of vcmp, i like it this clan, and your history.
If accepted, what could you offer the clan?*
i can offer to the clan, my skills and respect to all members
Do you have any addition information?
I fulfill 15, March 2